A guide to HIV/TB in clinics

Publication design for MSF-SA

Graphic & publication design:
Design for development

We were asked to design and produce the 8th edition of the HIV/TB clinical guide for nurses.

The first edition was developed by MSF for use in primary health care clinics in Khayelitsha, and quickly became a valuable resource for MSF nurses in South Africa, Lesotho and Zimbabwe. The latest edition offers a more comprehensive approach to help nurses and doctors manage HIV/TB related conditions and antiretroviral treatment in patients.

It is a massive 340 pages long, so we had to find a way to present the information in a way that is clear and easy to navigate. We created a colour coded system for the 15 different chapters and a series of icons to highlight important bits and to help navigate cross referenced information.

We created easy-to-follow algorithms to explain complex decision-making processes and bold, flat illustrations to help visualise some of the concepts. The challenge was to keep the illustrations clear and uncluttered without it feeling cold and distant. The guide forms the syllabus for the MSF e-learning course.